Genious tool, super useful, ton of value

Convert your Blog Posts toPins in minutes

Instantly generate Pins for hundreds of your posts. Get organic warm leads coming to your site on a daily basis - all automated

17100+ Pins created

Pin example from BlogToPin in Cocktails niche
Pin example from BlogToPin showing healthy salad
Pin example from BlogToPin showing tasty cocktail
Pin example from BlogToPin showing nails idea
Pin example from BlogToPin showing Kitchen ideas

Tired of managing Pinterest yourself?

Without BlogToPin

  • Spend hours creating Pins
  • Manually create Pin designs
  • Separate Sheet to track Pages
  • Paying $$$ for a VA
  • Not enough content
  • 0 results

With BlogToPin

  • Schedule 1 month in advance
  • Choose from curated designs
  • Never think "what to pin"
  • Spend 5-10 minutes/month
  • Focus on Blog
  • Results while you sleep

How it works

Gain organic leads from Pinterest to your blog posts in 4 simple steps


Tell us about your site and how many pins you want to generate


Update the pin design settings to match your brand

Choose Pages

Generate pins only for pages you want


Schedule and approve created pins. 30 days in advance

Save Time with BlogToPin

Generating Pins is a long game. You should be consistently pinning a lot of high-quality pins for at least a month. There's no overnight success, and if you're inconsistent - you won't see results. Here's how we save you time

Volume Pinning

With BlogToPin, you can schedule hundreds of Pins 1 month in advance. You only need to spend 5-10 minutes of your time

Easy Design

You can choose from 27 existing templates, 18 color palettes and 6 font groups. You don't need to be UI Designer to create beautiful Pins

Engaging Titles

BlogToPin generates engaging title/descriptions for your Pins. You can also pass in your own prompt to make them match your brand


Want to understand how the app works? Watch the video below to understand how to create 1000 pins in 5 minutes.

Get Results with BlogToPin

BlogToPin is optimized get the best results from Pinterest. We've been working with Pinterest for a long time and we know what works and what doesn't. Here's how we do it

Highest Engagement

BlogToPin automatically schedules your Pins to be published at the best time for your audience. While you sleep, your Pins are being published

Pins Diversity

BlogToPin automatically Pins as much unique Pins as possible. Because of that, you get more engagement and clicks

Eye-Catching Design

Make your pins stand out. Create custom color palette and font groups or import a custom design from Canva



Receive Traffic on Autopilot

Stop relying on one traffic source. Get more traffic from Pinterest with BlogToPin in a few minutes of effort.

Payment frequency
2 months free




Perfect plan for starting out

  • Unlimited Pinterest accounts
  • 35 pins/day(1000/month)
  • 3 complete restarts per website
  • 27 templates, 27 color palettes
  • Unlimited AI Board Selection
  • Unlimited AI Text Generation
  • Smart scheduling
Start Pinning

14-days no-question asked refund policy. Cancel anytime




Works well when you have multiple sites

  • All from Starter
  • 350 pins/day(10000/month)
  • Priority support
Start Pinning

14-days no-question asked refund policy. Cancel anytime

BlogToPin helped me to 2x my traffic from Pinterest in only 1.5 months! Right now, Pinterest's slowly becoming my #1 traffic source


550 clicks/day

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I schedule pins for future posting?
Absolutely! Our scheduling feature allows you to plan and schedule your pins in advance. This way, you can maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest without having to manually post every hour.
Is there a limit to the number of pins I can publish?
Depending on your plan, you could pin from 35 to 350 pins a day. If you need more, please reach out to us and we can discuss a custom plan.
Is this tool approved or endorsed by Pinterest?
Our tool operates in compliance with Pinterest's API use policies, and has been approved by Pinterest review team
I have a lot of pages. Does it work for me?
Absolutely! BlogToPin keeps track of all the pages and images to make sure there are no excessive duplicates and you get the biggest exposure. Also, we use very smart scheduler to make sure you pins as much different pages as possible. It's impossible to handle yourself
Does it work with complex websites?
Yes. We have a flexible system and a possibility to omit some UI parts(suggested articles/recommended products/ads) to make sure you get the best pins.
Would Pinterest work for niche X?
It's hard to say without extra information. But in general, Pinterest is a great place for any visual niche. If you have beautiful images - you should try Pinterest. Read more about if Pinterest is worth it here
I don't have any images on site. Would BlogToPin work for me?
Yep. We have a text-only templates available, based on your content. You can use them.
What are 'regenerations per website'?
It's the number of pins you can regenerate ALL the pin for the website a month. So imagine you went through onboarding, generated 1000 pins, and then you decide that you don't like anything here. You want to regenerate all the 1000 pins with the new settings. You can do it twice/month
I don't have many blog posts. Can I use BlogToPin?
Sure. Just choose enough different pages and BlogToPin will make sure you get the best exposure. Also, you can use our scheduler to make sure you pins are spread evenly over time.